Inside this issue of Woodcarving Illustrated you'll find:
Features: Pat Scott Scores Big - Carvers Honor Veterans - Impressive projects inspire
Projects: Great Horned Owl - Carving a Rabbit in Cottonwood Bark - Making Patriotic Pins
Projects: Carving a Folk-Art Chickadee - Recipe Chef - Chip Carved Photo Frame
Projects: Carve a Tower of Teetering Turtles - Making a Mechanical Bottle Stopper
Projects: Roly-Poly Hedgehog - Carving Tree Spirits in Found Wood
Techniques: Dealing with Tree-Killing Insects - Carving Eyes - Using a Contour Gauge
Techniques: Making Controlled Cuts - Maintaining a Sharp Edge
WCI55 WCI 2011 96 Pages 8.5" X 11" Soft Cover